Item 6 - Growth Deal for London



A joint approach to seeking devolution, in the context of promoting growth, was agreed by London Councils and Mayor of London at the London Congress in July 2013. Subsequently, a detailed check list of asks and offers was agreed by both parties, before being endorsed by the LEP on 26 November 2013.

The specific proposals cover:
• Welfare to Work including Skills
• Housing Investment and Supply
The formal Growth Deal submission, which was made by the GLA to Government on 19 December 2013, contained only a short statement outlining the overall plans. Discussions are due to take place shortly with members of the LEP Skills and Employment Sub Group with a view to finding agreement on the supporting detail.
Government officials are expected to provide initial feedback on the overall bid in the coming weeks and officers have started preparation of a more detailed final submission, which is due by 31st March 2014. To help build a strong business case, London Councils is working with the GLA, boroughs and groups of boroughs to marshal evidence and to demonstrate a readiness to deliver on the proposals through borough groupings.

The Executive is asked to:
1. Note the submission of the draft Growth Deal and the further discussions that are planned with the Mayor of London, GLA and LEP members to secure agreement on the supporting detail.
2. Agree that the Chair works with leading members and officers to develop a more detailed and costed case, in advance of the 31 March 2014 deadline.
3. Agree to seek Leaders’ Committee’s in-principle support for developing the readiness of borough groupings, subject to Government offering tangible devolution through the Growth Deal negotiations.
4. Comment on the potential tests of any strengthened arrangement of borough groupings, as set out in Paragraph 22 of this report.